Tag Archive for: POnTE

EFSA: Xylella fastidiosa is responsible for the olive disease in Italy
On March 29 2016, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)…

POnTE will be present at the FAO-IPPC-CIHEAM workshop on Xylella fastidiosa
An International Workshop on Xylella fastidiosa and the Olive…

IVIA announces its participation to POnTE Project
Article in original language
El proyecto ‘POnTE', el primer…

March 2, 2016: first seasonal observation of spittles of Philaenus spumarius in Salento
Among the activities of POnTE aimed to study the biology of the…

POnTE project presented at workshop about forest management planning in Serbia
POnTE EU project was presented at workshop "Economic aspects…

NIBIO announces its participation to POnTE Project
NIBIO announces its participation to POnTE Project
POnTE is…

UniBA partner del Consorzio Internazionale di Ricerca POnTE
Article in original language.
Progetto quadriennale finanziato…

SASA.GOV.UK | SASA announces its participation in POnTE
SASA is pleased to announce that it is a partner in a 4 year…

AGRITEST.IT | Sustain management of emerging diseases and alien pests
Reinforcing the Agritest commitment in enhancing the economical…