Tag Archive for: POnTE

The H2020 POnTE Project Web site: an online resource for scientific dissemination on emerging pest diseases
Authors: M. Morelli, M. Saponari, D. Tavano, D. Boscia, A. Obradović

NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 18 | October 5, 2016
POnTE NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 18 | October 5, 2016 is available…

Transmission of Xylella fastidiosa to different host plants by naturally infected Philaenus spumarius
Authors: V. Cavalieri, D. Cornara, C. Dongiovanni, G. Altamura,…

A metagenomic investigation of the microbiome of Xylella fastidiosa-infected olives
Authors: A. Giampetruzzi, M. Saponari, G. D'Attoma, M. Morelli,…

NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 17 | September 28, 2016
POnTE NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 17 | September 28, 2016 is available…

NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 16 | September 21, 2016
POnTE NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 16 | September 21, 2016 is available…

NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 15 | September 14, 2016
POnTE NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 15 | September 14, 2016 is available…

Options for developing an integrated framework to assess the impacts of exotic plant pests in Europe
Authors: Espaldon, M.L., van der Werf, W., Mourits, M.C.M., Oude…

NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 14 | September 6, 2016
POnTE NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 14 | September 6, 2016 is available…

NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 13 | August 30, 2016
POnTE NEWSLETTER | ISSUE 13 | August 30, 2016 is available…