Tag Archive for: Hymenoscyphus fraxineus

Efficacy of fungicides on Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and their potential for control of ash dieback in forest nurseries
M. Hrabětová, K. Černý, D. Zahradník, L.…

Madrid acogerá en diciembre una jornada sobre el estado de situación de la Xylella fastidiosa en el olivar
Citoliva-Centro Tecnológico del Olivar y el Aceite…

New warning over spread of ash dieback
The ash dieback fungus could spread more quickly and affect…

Climate change and the ash dieback crisis
Eric Goberville, Nina-Coralie Hautekèete, Richard…

“Pest Organisms threatening Europe: crops and forests. The focus on Xylella fastidiosa in olive fields”, a workshop organized in Madrid
On 14th December 2016 a workshop will be held in Madrid, organized…

Citoliva presenta el proyecto europeo POnTE: ‘Plagas amenazando Europa’
El próximo 14 de diciembre tendrá lugar en Madrid la jornada…

POnTE presented in Lisbon at the WG Meeting COST Action NNEXT ‘Non-native tree species for European forests’
POnTE EU project was presented at joint WG Meeting COST Action…

Invasive diseases on ash and broadleaved species in Serbia
The one day (September 28th, 2016) training workshop on invasive…

University of Belgrade hosts a technical workshop on invasive disease on ash and broadleaved species
In the framework of POnTE Project, a workshop for forestry practitioners…

WP8 meeting on plant disease risk assessment held at Wageningen University
Researchers involved in the Work Package 8 (Plant disease risk…