Tag Archive for: EU

Rome kick-off meeting
It was held in Rome on 27th November 2015, at the hall Bisogno…

POnTE activities presented at Izmir OILMEET 2015 conference
POnTE EU project was presented at OILMEET 2015 conference, held…

AGRONEWS CASTILLA Y LEON | Jaén investigará la Xylella fastidiosa
Article in original language
La directora general de la Fundación…

DAA.CNR.IT | Incontro inaugurale del Consorzio Internazionale di ricerca POnTE
Article in original language
Venerdì 27 novembre 2015, si terrà…

CNR.IT EVENTI|Il CNR ospita l’incontro inaugurale del consorzio di ricerca POnTE
Article in original language
Si terrà a Roma, presso la sala…

EC.EUROPA.EU|Start of a new EU-funded project on solutions for managing the Xylella spread
Research is urgently needed to strengthen the fight against Xylella…

Rome kick-off meeting launched Consortium activities
Was Rome to held the official kick-off meeting of the International…