Tag Archive for: EU

XF-ACTORS: the new EU H2020 funded research project entirely dedicated to Xylella fastidiosa
The European Commission announced, through the web portal of…

Cytisus scoparius and Lavandula allardii added to the EU list of plants found susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa
Two new plant hosts, i.e. Cytisus scoparius and Lavandula x allardii,…

EFISEE REGIONAL NEWSLETTER | Faculty of Forestry – University of Belgrade involved in POnTE project
The EFISEE Regional office, a unit of the European Forest Institute…

The Court of Justice of the European Union on the Xylella fastidiosa case
The Court of Justice of the European Union released yesterday,…

GEORGOFILI.INFO | Un Ponte contro la Xylella fastidiosa
Article in original language [GTranslate] Google Translation

PHYTOMA.COM | Proyecto POnTE, el primer gran proyecto transnacional de investigación para la lucha contra Xylella fastidiosa
Article in original language [GTranslate]
El proyecto…

Metrosideros excelsa added to the EU list of plants found susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa
Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn., commonly known as "New…

ALMANACCO.CNR.IT | Un Ponte contro la Xylella fastidiosa
Article in original language
Ponte (Pest Organisms Threatening…

Forest Research involved in POnTE to explore emerging diseases of forests
This multi-partner EU project is exploring the genetics, biology,…