Tag Archive for: EFSA

EFSA has released the official program of the Mallorca International conference on Xylella fastidiosa
EFSA has released the official program of the “European conference…

EFSA releases a systematic literature search on susceptibility of olive cultivars to Xylella fastidiosa ST53
Following a request from the European Commission, the European…

EFSA announces an international conference on European research into Xylella fastidiosa, to be held in Mallorca, on November 2017
The European Food and Safety Agency (EFSA) has announced on its…

EFSA reviews evidence on susceptibility of Phoenix roebelenii palm to Xylella fastidiosa and of citrus, holm oak and grapevine to the strain CoDiRO
Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Plant…

“Xylella fastidiosa one year after ?”, a conference in Paris
On September 16, 2016, RMT VegDiag (Réseau mixte technologique ‘’Diagnostic…

THE GOOD LIFE | Xylella fastidiosa : la bactérie qui menace les oliviers
Article in original language
En 2015,…

EFSA scientific review finds no evidence of the presence of multiple sequence types of Xylella in Apulia
The Panel on Plant Health of the European Food Safety Authority…

EFSA releases the full report of “Xylella fastidiosa: knowledge gaps and research priorities for the EU” workshop
EFSA organized in Brussels, on November 12-13, 2015, a workshop…

NATURE.COM | Gridlock over Italy’s olive tree deaths starts to ease
Alison Abbott
A court ruling paves the way for disease-containment…

POnTE experimental plot: search of sources of resistance to Xylella fastidiosa in the olive germplasm (WP7)
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An experimental olive plot with…