Tag Archive for: CSIC

A workshop on Xylella fastidiosa held in Bari under the “Better Training for Safer Food” EU initiative
Was held in Bari (Italy), from 7th to 9th November 2016,…

Sex-specific probing behaviour of the carrot psyllid Bactericera trigonica and its implication in the transmission of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’
C.A. Antolínez 1, A. Fereres1, A. Moreno1

Rapid screening tests for differentiating Xylella fastidiosa isolates
Authors: M. Saponari, M. Montes-Borrego, G. D'Attoma, L. De La…

Research on Xylella carried out in POnTE arose the interest of the audience at SIPAV meeting
POnTE Project and the research carried out within the Consortium…

Risk assessment activities of POnTE presented at the IPRRG meeting in Parma
The 10th Meeting of the International Pest Risk Research Group…

WP8 meeting on plant disease risk assessment held at Wageningen University
Researchers involved in the Work Package 8 (Plant disease risk…

POnTE research on Xylella features a major contribution to the XXII Congress of the Italian Society of Plant Pathology
The XXII National Congress of the Italian Society of Plant Pathology…

Prospeccion e identificacion de vectores potencialmente transmisores de Xylella fastidiosa en olivares de la Península Ibérica
Authors: Fereres, A., Morente, M., Moreno, A.
Type of contribution: Conference…

Xylella will be a major topic at the XVIII Congress of the Spanish Society of Phytopathology
The 18th edition of the Congress of the Spanish Society of Phytopathology…

POnTE and JRC conduct a coordinated campaign for the simultaneous acquisition of field surveys and remote sensing data over the Apulian Xf-infected area
During the last week of June 2016, CSIC, CNR-IPSP, UNIBA and…