Tag Archive for: CSIC

CSIC researchers invited to talk about the current situation of Xylella at the event organized by Cajasur in Cordóba
A dissemination event aiming at presenting the current situation…

J.A. Navas-Cortés will present POnTE research at the event “Current situation and new challenges in plant health” held in Jaén
The POnTE Project will be presented at the dissemination event…

POnTE research on hemipteran vectors presented at HPIS 2017 organised by CSIC in Madrid
The 3rd Hemipteran-Plant Interaction Symposium (HPIS 2017) was…

A conference in Mallorca on “Xylella fastidiosa: from the global threat to the local situation”
A conference on Xylella fastidiosa, aiming at providing key information…

Xylella: el peligro que sigue acechando el olivar
Por fin se ha comenzado a hablar de Xylella fastidiosa de una…

Risk assessment of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ transmission by the psyllids Bactericera trigonica and B. tremblayi from Apiaceae crops to potato
Sci Rep. 2017 Apr 3;7:45534. doi: 10.1038/srep45534.

J.A. Navas-Cortés will present POnTE at ESPACIOINNOVA event organised by CITOLIVA in Spain
ESPACIOINNOVA is an event organised by CITOLIVA every 2 years…

Xylella fastidiosa y su situación actual en la UE
Por Blanca B. Landa del Castillo, Miguel Montes Borrego y Juan…

La “Xylella fastidiosa”: la plaga vegetal más peligrosa de Europa
Investigadores del CSIC defienden la necesidad de que las administraciones…

Blanca Landa: “Balears no está preparada para hacer frente a la ‘Xylella’, le hacen falta más recursos”
by Alexander Cortès Palma
"Bruselas será quien diga si tomar…