Tag Archive for: CoDiRO

Modelling the spread and control of Xylella fastidiosa in the early stages of invasion in Apulia, Italy
Steven M. White 1,2 James M. Bullock…

Further investigations on the genetics of Xylella fastidiosa isolates spreading in Apulia
With the support of POnTE Project (WP3) and in the framework…

EFSA reviews evidence on susceptibility of Phoenix roebelenii palm to Xylella fastidiosa and of citrus, holm oak and grapevine to the strain CoDiRO
Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Plant…

POnTE Project: resource in English tracks new Xylella research
Begun in November 2015, POnTE Project serves as an excellent…

Evaluation of a sampling method for Xylella fastidiosa detection in olive trees
Authors: L. Susca, O. Potere, V. Roseti, F. Civita, G. Loconsole,…

Survey for the presence of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca strain CoDiRO in the native flora of the Salento peninsula
Authors: O. Potere, L. Susca, F. Civita, S. Marullo, G. Loconsole,…

OLIVE OIL TIMES | Strategy to contain Xylella fastidiosa organically shows promise
Researchers used organic substances to stimulate the plant's…

Brazilian scientist Alessandra de Souza visits CNR-IPSP lab to support WP7 tasks on Xf control
During the week from 10 to 17 April, Dr. Alessandra de Souza, team…

EFSA releases a scientific opinion on the EU control strategy against Xylella fastidiosa
The Panel on Plant Health of the European Food Safety Authority…