Tag Archive for: CNR

The International Award Guido Dorso 2017 given to Maria Saponari for her research on Xylella fastidiosa in Apulia
Maria Saponari (CNR-IPSP), Scientific Coordinator of Xylella…

POnTE research presented at the 23rd Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society in Piacenza
The 23rd Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SiPaV)…

Evaluation of biocontrol potency of endophytic symbionts against Xylella fastidiosa infections
Proceedings of the 6th Annual Meeting of the PGB Network ‘‘Plant…

CNR-IPSP contribution to the TAIEX program – an expert mission on Xylella detection in Belgrade
Within the framework of the EC TAIEX (Technical Assistance and…

CNR: Scoperta un’altra cultivar di olivo resistente alla Xylella
Comunicato stampa - Nuovi risultati dall'impegno del Consiglio…

Isolation of Xylella fastidiosa from plant leaf tissues
A video showing the procedure to isolate Xylella fastidiosa from…

Isolation of Xylella fastidiosa from plant stem tissues
A video showing the procedure to isolate Xylella fastidiosa from…

A workshop on Xylella fastidiosa held in Bari under the “Better Training for Safer Food” EU initiative
Was held in Bari (Italy), from 7th to 9th November 2016,…

XF-ACTORS: the new EU H2020 funded research project entirely dedicated to Xylella fastidiosa
The European Commission announced, through the web portal of…

Evaluation of a sampling method for Xylella fastidiosa detection in olive trees
Authors: L. Susca, O. Potere, V. Roseti, F. Civita, G. Loconsole,…