Tag Archive for: Apulia

Five new outbreaks of Xylella identified in Apulia in the provinces of Taranto and Brindisi

According to the map available on the official website dedicated…

Xylella fastidiosa, la peste qui anéantit les oliviers des Pouilles

Depuis 2013, une bactérie tueuse décime les oliveraies de…

A new outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa discovered in Apulia within the buffer zone

The Regional Plant Protection Service of Apulia Region notified…

Pelargonium x fragrans, a new species found positive to Xylella fastidiosa in Apulia

The Official Bulletin of the Apulia Region has published the…

Three new outbreaks of Xylella fastidiosa discovered in Apulia

New infected olive groves have been identified in Apulia Region,…

Apulia Region approves the newly demarcated areas for Xylella fastidiosa CoDiRO strain

In application of the Implementing Decision (EU) 2016/764 of…

Definition of areas free of the harmful organism Xylella fastidiosa within the territory of the Italian Republic

The Italian Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies…