LOEWE.COM | LOEWE announces its participation to POnTE project

We are proud to announce that we are participating in the POnTE (Pest Organisms Threatening Europe) project funded by the HORIZON 2020 program for Research and Innovation of the European Union.
The proposal focuses to minimize the risk of introduction/impact of emerging pests threatening EU agriculture and forestry. The targets are: 1) Xylella fastidiosa and its vectors in olive, grapevine, citrus, stone fruit, ornamentals and landscape trees of high socio-economic importance; 2) ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ and its vectors affecting a number of strategic crops such as potato, tomato and carrot; and 3) Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (anomorph. Chalara fraxinea) and Phytophtora spp. seriously affecting broadleaf and conifer species in forest ecosystems.
The proposal promotes a multi-actor approach and transnational research collaborations among 25 Partners at the forefront of research in plant protection, agro-engineering and economics. Please visit the project web-site http://www.ponteproject.eu/ for detailed information on the propsals tasks and partners involved.

Published on Jan 26, 2016 by LOEWE-INFO.COM