Forest Research involved in POnTE to explore emerging diseases of forests

This multi-partner EU project is exploring the genetics, biology, epidemiology, vector ecology and economic impacts of four pathosystems that threatens strategic crops and forestry in the EU. These are: Xylella fastidiosa , Candidatus ‘Liberibacter solanacearum’, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and new and exotic Phytophthora species.

Research objectives
This project is aimed at understanding and minimizing the risk of introduction and impact of major crop and tree pathogens that threaten Europe.

Specific objectives include:

Anticipate and prevent the entry of new pests through improved surveillance and early detection tools (diagnostic kits, lab-on-chip, new biomarkers).
Mitigate the spread of introduced pests and reducing socio-economic impacts.
Develop sustainable solutions for outcome-based interventions.
Forest Research is involved in the part of the project related to emerging diseases of forests, with a focus on Hymenocyphus fraxineus (ash dieback} and new and exotic Phytophthora species.

Results so far
The project is in its early stages so no results are yet available.

POnTE started the 1st of November 2015 and will run for 48 months.

Ana Perez-Sierra

Funders and partners
This project is funded jointly through Horizon 2020 and the Forestry Commission as part of Forest Research on Understanding Threats to Resilience

International Partners that make up the POnTE Consortium are

CNR, Italian National Research Council, Italy

UNIBA, University of Bari BARI Aldo Moro, Italy

INRA, National Institute for Agricultural Research, France

ANSES, Agency for Food, Enivironemental and Occupational Health & Safety, France

IVIA, Valencian Institute for Agricultural Research, Spain

CSIC, Spanish National Research Council, Spain

SG SASA, Scottish Government Science & Advice for Scottish Agriculture, UK

Forestry Commission Research Agency, UK

BFW, Federal Research & Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards & Landscape, Austria

LUKE, Natural Resources Institure, Finland

WU, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

NIBIO, Norweigen Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway

UCR, University of Costa Rica

ARO, Agricultural Research Organization of Israel, The Volcani, Israel

UB, University of Belgrade, Serbia

CERTIS Europe BV, The Netherlands

Aurea Imaging BVBA, Belgium

Vilmorin SA, France

Loewe Biochemica GMBH, Germany

Phytophthora Research & Consultancy, Germany

Agritest SRL, Italy

CIITOLIVA Foundation, Innovation & Technology Centre for Olive Farming & Olive Oli, Spain

Agricultural Villena Cooperative, Spain


Forestry Commission policy

This research is in support government policies of sustainable forest management and are expressed in The UK Forestry Standard and its supporting series of Guidelines.

Further information

Relevant information about the project and the four pathosystems can be found at: It is part of European Commission, European Union Funding for Research and Innovation, Call (part) identifier H2020-SFS-2014-2, Topic SFS-03a-2014 Native and alien pests in agriculture and forestry

Published on May 1, 2016 by FORESTRY.GOV.UK