Xylella fastidiosa: 233 outbreaks reported in Corsica since July

The spread of the harmful bacteria Xylella fastidiosa is far from being eradicated from Corsica, one of the two areas in France, where the pathogen has been detected (the other is the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, on the mainland). Over 40% of the Corsican territory is now comprised in the buffer zone, i.e. the 10 km, at least, width area surrounding all infected foci. State services and all the actors involved remain mobilized and the vector control services have been hard at work in the town of Aullène Monaccia to perform disinfestation of two positive foci identified in the municipality.

No rest for Xylella fastidiosa, which continues to progress in Corsica. The prefecture of Corse-du-Sud department is monitoring the situation with great concern. Briefings with the steering committee come in quick succession every fifteen days to make regular updates of the situation.

To date, 233 foci of infection have been reported in Corsica (they were 194 in December and 59 more have been reported in a month), among which 222 are located in the Corse-du-Sud department, resulting so far the most affected area, and 11 in Haute-Corse.

Buffer zones now cover 3,766 square kilometers, corresponding to almost half of the island territory and to 80% of the department of Corse-du-Sud. While the concern in the whole island remains high, as it is has been since last early summer when the first outbreak of contamination was detected on a few ornamental plants (Polygala myrtifolia) planted in a commercial area in Propriano, in the south-western part of the island.

Read more at Corsematin.com

Corsica Xf demarcated areas