A Simple Key to the Potential Vectors of CaLsol
‘A Simple Key to the Potential Vectors of CaLsol’, by Mairi Carnegie (SASA), Alex Greenslade (Rothamsted Research) & David Ouvrard (Natural History Museum London) was designed for use during a Psyllid identification workshop held at Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture (SASA), Edinburgh in March 2017. This is a simple, pictorial key to adult Psylloidae which is designed to assist with ruling out the majority of psyllid species which are not known or suspected vectors of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ (CaLsol). This allows the user to significantly reduce the number of psyllids taken forward for molecular testing to determine the exact species. It should be noted that it does not provide a definitive identification to species based on morphological characters alone; however, there are a selection of images of the main morphological characters relating to each vector ‘group’ for added interest.