Researchers from POnTE Consortium enliven the opening day of FAO-IPPC-CIHEAM workshop on Xylella

The opening day of the FAO-IPPC-CIHEAM International Workshop on Xylella fastidiosa and the Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS), held from 19 to 22th April, at the facilities of CIHEAM, Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo of Bari (Italy) was  animated by the consistent participation of researchers members of POnTE Consortium.

Dr. Donato Boscia (CNR-IPSP, Italy), Scientific Coordinator of the Project, officially presented the Consortium and its planned activities, to the numerous audience from more than 40 worldwide countries. The Coordinator emphasized the significant effort given by the Consortium to counteract the establishment of Xylella fastidiosa in EU territory.

Dr. Maria Milagros Lopez (IVIA-PPBC, Spain) with her talk briefly introduced the significant role of ‘The world threat of Xylella fastidiosa“. Prof. Francesco Porcelli (UNIBA-DiSSPA, Italy) focused his attention on the main insect vectors of Xylella fastidiosa worldwide and in Italy, giving particular emphasis on the control strategies against P. spumarius spittlebug.

Dr. Maria Saponari (CNR-IPSP, Italy), Project Sub-Coordinator for the topic Xylella fastidiosa, illustrated the state-of-the-art of the research trials carried in Apulia, showing the recent results arising from the pathogenicity tests demonstrating the exclusive role of the bacterium in causing the OQDS. Dr. Marie-Agnes Jacques (INRA, France) gave her speech on the emergence of Xylella fastidiosa as a newly introduced risk for French mainland and Corsican areas.

Besides the above mentioned speakers, POnTE researchers showed a great interest for the event, since the Consortium was present among the registered participants with several representatives from CNR, UNIBA, IVIA, CSIC, ANSES, UB-FA, ARO VOLCANI and AGRITEST.