Economic impact of Xylella fastidiosa in European olives
The journal PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences…

EFSA updates the pest risk assessment on Xylella fastidiosa in the European Union
EFSA’s Plant Health Panel (PLH) has released an update of the…

EUPHRESCO network releases the final report of the PROMODE Project on monitoring and detection of Xylella fastidiosa
As a high profile pest, Xylella fastidiosa has mobilised important…

The 12th update of the EC database of host plants found susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa in the EU territory has been released
On 11 April 2019, the EC DG Health and Food Safety released the…

Delegates of the DG-SANTE visited the Xylella-demarcated areas in Apulia (Italy) and met local stakeholders and phytosanitary authorities
On April 15 and 16, 2019, a delegation of the Plant Health Unit…

ACLI RACALE presents the pilot project “Resilience”, an innovative technical desk in the area affected by Xylella fastidiosa
On Wednesday, April 10, 2019 the ACLI Racale Cooperative, a partner…

New visit of delegates of DG-AGRI in the Xylella-demarcated areas in Apulia (Italy)
Following the visit of the last year, on March 21, Gianfranco…

EPPO reports new haplotypes of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’, identified in collaboration with the POnTE Project
EPPO has reported new haplotypes of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter…

A new outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa found in Tuscany (Italy)
The Regional Phytosanitary Service of Tuscany (Italy), within…

POnTE and XF-ACTORS researchers at the opening of the first info-point on Xylella fastidiosa in Apulia
The inaugural event of the first info point on the bacterium…