EFSA has released the official program of the Mallorca International conference on Xylella fastidiosa
EFSA has released the official program of the “European conference…
POnTE research on hemipteran vectors presented at HPIS 2017 organised by CSIC in Madrid
The 3rd Hemipteran-Plant Interaction Symposium (HPIS 2017) was…
Last updates on Xylella research in Europe presented at the 15th MPU Congress in Córdoba
The 15th Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union…
Leonardo De La Fuente and Joao Lopes in Bari for a study visit on Xylella fastidiosa
From 12 to 16 June, 2017, CNR-IPSP, in collaboration with UNIBA-DiSSPA,…
A conference in Mallorca on “Xylella fastidiosa: from the global threat to the local situation”
A conference on Xylella fastidiosa, aiming at providing key information…
Brisbane’s International forum: vigilance urged against Xylella fastidiosa
Experts from across the globe have come together on 17–19 May…
Ongoing research on Xylella in Apulia presented by M. Morelli at the University of Belgrade
The University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, within the…
The University of Costa Rica organises a workshop on the Xylella fastidiosa host status of P. roebelenii palm
Being involved in POnTE and XF-ACTORS projects, the University…
J.A. Navas-Cortés will present POnTE at ESPACIOINNOVA event organised by CITOLIVA in Spain
ESPACIOINNOVA is an event organised by CITOLIVA every 2 years…
IVIA participated in informative days on Xylella threat organized by La Unio, in Valencian Community
On March 2, 2017, an informative day about Xyella fastidiosa…