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Entries by Staff
POnTE activities presented at Izmir OILMEET 2015 conference
/in CONFERENCESPOnTE EU project was presented at OILMEET 2015 conference, held at Izmir, Turkey, from 2 to 4 December 2015. The International conference, focusing on problems of table olive and olive oil sectors in the Aegean Region, hosted the speech of Dr. Maria Saponari (CNR-IPSP, Italy). During her invited talk “Outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa”, Dr. Saponari […]
AGRONEWS CASTILLA Y LEON | Jaén investigará la Xylella fastidiosa
/in PRESS REVIEWArticle in original language La directora general de la Fundación Citoliva, Cristina de Toro, ha anunciado la participación del centro tecnológico en ‘POnTE’, el primer gran proyecto transnacional de investigación financiado por la Comisión Europea para avanzar en la lucha contra la bacteria ‘Xylella fastidiosa’, que ha desatado la alarma entre los productores de aceite […]
DAA.CNR.IT | Incontro inaugurale del Consorzio Internazionale di ricerca POnTE
/in PRESS REVIEWArticle in original language Venerdì 27 novembre 2015, si terrà a Roma, presso la sala Bisogno del CNR, il meeting inaugurale che aprirà i lavori del Consorzio di Ricerca Internazionale “POnTE”, impegnato nello sviluppo di un progetto di ricerca quadriennale, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea con un budget di 6,85 milioni di euro, nell’ambito del programma […]
CNR.IT EVENTI|Il CNR ospita l’incontro inaugurale del consorzio di ricerca POnTE
/in PRESS REVIEWArticle in original language Si terrà a Roma, presso la sala Bisogno del CNR, il meeting inaugurale che aprirà i lavori del Consorzio di Ricerca Internazionale “POnTE”, impegnato nello sviluppo di un progetto di ricerca quadriennale, finanziato dalla Commissione Europea con un budget di 6,85 milioni di euro, nell’ambito del programma Horizon 2020. POnTE, questo […]
EC.EUROPA.EU|Start of a new EU-funded project on solutions for managing the Xylella spread
/in PRESS REVIEWResearch is urgently needed to strengthen the fight against Xylella fastidiosa, a dangerous plant pathogen worldwide, damaging important crops including fruit trees (olive trees), grapevine and ornamentals. A new EU-funded project just started and funding for another project will be available in the coming months. A new EU-funded project entitled Pest Organisms Threatening Europe (POnTE) just […]
Rome kick-off meeting launched Consortium activities
/in NEWSWas Rome to held the official kick-off meeting of the International Research Consortium POnTE. The inaugural event took place in the CNR headquarter, on 27th November 2015. The objective of the meeting was to officially launch the project, to review the objectives and structure of the project and its challenges, to remind the partners of […]