Entries by Staff

A new implementing decision to control Xylella fastidiosa spread adopted by the EC on May 12, 2016

The European Commission adopted new measures against Xylella fastidiosa, contained in the Implementing Decision EU 2016/764 published on May 12, 2016. These measures update some elements of the existing emergency provisions (Decision EU 789/2015), taking into account the evolution of Xylella fastidiosa in the Italian territory (Apulia region), and the fact that new outbreaks have been reported […]

POnTE experimental plot: search of sources of resistance to Xylella fastidiosa in the olive germplasm (WP7)

[GTranslate] Google Translate An experimental olive plot with almost twenty different olive cultivars (24 replicates for each cultivar) has been set last week in the Xylella-infected area of the province of Lecce (Apulia, southern Italy). The 2-years old plants will be exposed to the natural infective vectors throughout the entire project duration. This plot extends […]

GEORGOFILI.INFO | Un Ponte contro la Xylella fastidiosa

Article in original language  [GTranslate] Google Translation POnTE (Pest Organisms Threatening Europe) è un progetto di ricerca internazionale di quattro anni finanziato dall’Unione Europea nell’ambito del programma Horizon 2020-Societal Challenge 2-2014. Ponte ha l’obiettivo di acquisire nuove conoscenze sulla genetica, la biologia, l’epidemiologia, l’ecologia dei vettori e gli impatti economici di tre patosistemi che rappresentano […]

POnTE Project presented at an informative meeting on Xylella fastidiosa held at Bari University

[GTranslate] Google Translation POnTE EU project was presented at the informative meeting “Xylella: let’s take stock”, held at Bari University, Italy, on May 11, 2016. The event was organized by the Apulian section of the Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims on the Pseudoscience (CICAP), to help clarify the current situation concerning Xylella outbreak […]

EMPHASIS EU Project launches an online survey to unravel the information needs on pest threats

The Horizon 2020 EMPHASIS Project (Effective management of Pests and Harmful Alien Species:Integrated Solutions) has recently launched a general online survey to understand and investigate further the current needs of stakeholders; in particular, in terms of the key pest threats, solutions applied to address them and likely shortcomings. This survey is addressed primarily to professional […]

PHYTOMA.COM | Proyecto POnTE, el primer gran proyecto transnacional de investigación para la lucha contra Xylella fastidiosa

Article in original language  [GTranslate] El proyecto ‘POnTE’, el primer gran proyecto transnacional de investigación financiado por la Comisión Europea para avanzar en la lucha contra la bacteria Xylella fastidiosa, que ha desatado la alarma entre los productores de aceite europeos ya que en Italia ya ha arrasado miles de olivos. En este proyecto Horizonte […]

GRANDES CULTIVOS.COM | Transmisión de Xylella fastidiosa y posibles estrategias de control en olivar

Article in original language  [GTranslate] Alberto Fereres Castiel. Dr. Ingeniero Agrónomo. Profesor de Investigación en el Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias, CSIC Marina Morente Diaz. Licenciada en Ciencias Biológicas en el Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias, CSIC Abstracto La bacteria Xylella fastidiosa constituye una gran amenaza para toda la agricultura europea, no solo por su ya demostrada capacidad para producir […]

Metrosideros excelsa added to the EU list of plants found susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa

Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn., commonly known as “New Zealand Christmas tree”, a coastal evergreen tree in the myrtle family, Myrtaceae, that produces a brilliant display of red flowers, has been recently found susceptible to Xylella fastidiosa subsp. multiplex, in the European Union territory. According to this new finding, the EC Directorate General for Health and […]