Entries by Staff

Options for developing an integrated framework to assess the impacts of exotic plant pests in Europe

Authors: Espaldon, M.L., van der Werf, W., Mourits, M.C.M., Oude Lansink, A.G.J.M. Type of contribution: Conference Abstract | Oral Presentation Conference: 10th Meeting of the International Pest Risk Research Group, 23-26 August 2016, Parma (Italy) Keywords: Xylella fastidiosa, Candidatus Liberibacter Solanacearum, Emerging Diseases of Forests Corresponding author: Maria Laya Ortega Espaldon, WU Abstract Various integrated impact assessment (IIA) […]

FRANCE INFO | Xylella fastidiosa, la Corse toujours sous surveillance

Depuis un peu plus d’un an, la bactérie Xylella fastidiosa est surveillée de près par les services de l’Etat. En tout, 275 foyers ont été détectés en Corse. La souche présente n’est pas la plus virulente, mais les mesures qui restreignent l’importation de végétaux sont toujours d’actualité. 8600 prélèvements ont été réalisés dans toute la […]

Prospeccion e identificacion de vectores potencialmente transmisores de Xylella fastidiosa en olivares de la Península Ibérica

Authors: Fereres, A., Morente, M., Moreno, A. Type of contribution: Conference Abstract | Oral Presentation Journal: Proceedings of XVII Congresso Ibérico de Entomología, 5-8 September 2016, Lisbon (Portugal) Publication date: 05-09-2016 Keywords: Xylella fastidiosa Corresponding author: Alberto Fereres, ICA-CSIC Abstract La bacteria Xylella fastidiosa causa enfermedades graves desde hace muchas décadas en el continente americano en […]

“Xylella fastidiosa one year after ?”, a conference in Paris

On September 16, 2016, RMT VegDiag (Réseau mixte technologique ‘’Diagnostic en santé végétale”), a French technological network associating all stakeholders interested in diagnostics in plant health, will organize a conference entitled: “Xylella fastidiosa one year after? Knowledge’s and perspectives of research and development”. Several members of POnTE will participate. Dr. Marie-Agnès Jacques (INRA) and Dr. Françoise Poliakoff (Anses) […]

Seasonal fluctuations of sap-feeding insect species infected by Xylella fastidiosa in Apulian olive groves of Southern Italy

ORIGINAL PAPER  Issam Eddine Ben Moussa, Valerio Mazzoni, Franco Valentini, Thaer Yaseen, Donato Lorusso, Stefano Speranza, Michele Digiaro, Leonardo Varvaro, Rodrigo Krugner, Anna Maria D’Onghia Abstract A study on seasonal abundance of Auchenorrhyncha species and their infectivity by Xylella fastidiosa in the Apulia region of Italy was conducted to identify ideal periods for monitoring and adoption of potential control measures against insect vectors. Adult populations […]

The French Ministry of agriculture releases an informative update on Xylella outbreaks in France

The French Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry has recently released on its informative website Alim’agri two useful factsheets containing updated information on Xylella fastidiosa outbreaks in PACA and Corsica regions. The jargon-free pages, so far available only in French, intend to explain in simple terms how Xylella fastidiosa is transmitted, what symptoms it causes, what actions are being carried out in […]