Apulian experience in contrasting Xylella depicted at a workshop organized by FAO and ONSSA in Morocco
A workshop on “Prevention against the introduction of Xylella fastidiosa in Morocco” was held in Rabat, at the Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, on 13-14 September 2018.
The event organized by FAO, in collaboration with Office National de Sécurité Sanitaire des produits Alimentaires (ONSSA), with the aim of raising awareness of the risk that a possible introduction of Xylella fastidiosa poses to Moroccan olive growing, was attended by international speakers.
On behalf of the international research consortia, PonTE and XF-ACTORS, Dr. Donato Boscia (CNR-IPSP), reported on various aspects of its involvement in the fight against Xylella, dealing with “Recent cases of Xf detection in Europe and international response”, “Surveillance and outbreak confirmation process”, “Response in case of detection”, as well as “Communication, documentation and training”.
The complete program of the event is available (in French) at this link.